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4th Period
1 Family Registration Form & Fee START HERE!!!
with Angie Hernandez
Board & Teacher Registration [$20] - date & time sent in email
Current Members [$20] - Dec 5th @ 9:00 am - Dec 10th @ 9:00 pm (or until all have registered)
New Members [$40] - Dec 12th @ 9:00 am until directors have decided it's full
The family registration form and fee link will be available starting on the dates and times listed above. Please mark your calendars and be ready to register at that time.
1st - 4th Period: Nursery 0 & 1
Register your little one here! There is NOT a designated area for nursery, but you are welcome to keep your baby with you or stay with them in the Terrific 2s room. If your toddler is closer to two and ready for some time away from mom and a little more independence, check out our Terrific 2s class and register your little one there. There will be a small fee for the 2s class.
1st - 4th Period: Pre-K/Kindergarten (4/5)
with Carrie Ray
$15 [new students only] -- make checks payable to Carrie Ray
Co-teacher: Hannah Readett
If your child was born in 2019, this is the best fit for them. If they were born in 2020 and are already 4 yrs old, you have a choice between this class and the preschool 3/4 class. If they are not yet 4, please enroll in the preschool class. We can help you in making this decision if needed.
Class will review letter recognition, patterns and early math concepts, STEM activities, storytime and crafts each week. This class will also have gymnastics, physical education and music each week for the last class period of the day.
1st - 4th Period: Preschool (3/4)
with Meredith Vanelli
$10 [new students only] -- make checks to Meredith Vanelli
Co-teacher: Brianna Leach
If your child is 3, this is the best fit for them. If they are 4, you can choose between this class and the Pre-k/Kinder 4/5 class. We can help you make this decision if needed.
We’re excited for your 3/4 year-old to join us this spring! We will continue learning letters, numbers, shapes, and colors. We will also learn about community helpers and the five senses this semester. We will build with blocks, listen to books, do puzzles, pretend play with kitchen toys, and much more! The last hour will be a rotation between gymnastics, P.E. and music class.
1st - 4th Period: Terrific 2s
with Stacey Creek
$10 [new students only] -- make checks payable to Stacey Creek
This class is perfect for your lively two-ish year old! Kids will have plenty of opportunities for puzzles, coloring, play-doh, free play, and outside time. We will be learning how to socialize through playtime, crafts and games.
Please send your child to school each week with shoes, weather-appropriate clothes, and a water cup marked with their name.
Please also provide a change of clothes and any diapers/wipes if not potty trained.
4th Period: Chemical Reactions (6-9th grade)
with Angie Kelley
$7 -- make checks payable to Angie Kelley
Students will discuss and observe the chemical reactions through different science experiments.
4th Period: Chess: Tournament Play (4-12th grade)
with Ryan Baldwin
For the students who already know the basics, we will get into more strategy that includes tactics, endgame principles, patterns and traps. Students will also play against each other in tournaments throughout the semester.
4th Period: Drama Club: Performance Part II (6-12th grade)
with Sarah Bryant
If you didn't sign up for this in the fall, but would like to participate, you can join the tech crew or be on the waitlist for a role if someone leaves. Please reach out to Sarah Bryant to be on the waitlist for a role.
Co-teacher: Jackie Westerfeld
This class will consist of learning theater and performance skills, building confidence, acting, improv, nonverbal communication, team building, and so much more. We'll also work on rehearsal and performance of a 45-60 minute play at the end of spring term. The play may be a musical, but musical ability/solo singing is NOT required to be cast in a role.
Students need to be able to read and memorize lines. Additionally, students must come prepared to participate in class activities.